Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I have yet to hear from Chicago Magazine. When they talked to me they said "middle of the week" which I suppose could also mean tomorrow. I emailed just in case and have yet to receive a response, but they may be busy putting out their next issue right now, and thus not to worried about me or the internship question. Hopefully I'll hear something soon. The same goes for a sublet/room. I'm starting to get in the panic stage, as I move out Sunday, and after that, I don't know what I'm going to do Monday-Thursday. I know I'll find something, I just need something now.

I talked yesterday about my reunion, I wanted to mention something that I didn't mention yesterday. A classmate of mine had joined the army and had spent a lot of last year in Iraq. He talked about some of the things he had to do, rough up some kids with AK-47's for example, and just what it was like to be shot at, and to be in country where death could be around the next corner. I asked him some questions about what it was like with the people, specifically, whether he hated the Iraqis and whether the Iraqis hated us. He didn't hate them, though he hated those that shot at him. I guess I was not surprised when he talked about how the place was divided. How some would be happy to see them, and others, well, others would stare you down with Kalashnikov's. It was really interesting.

Do want to know what "shady" really is? Its not taking your flight examination because you might well be to hungover to pass or not want to reveal your drug use. Its going months without attending the drills in the Champagne unit your father got you into. Neil Steinberg, who writes for the Sun-Times said this on Monday :
"How the Republicans could have imagined there would be any upside in questioning John Kerry's Vietnam record is a mystery. Doesn't it all boil down to this: Kerry went to war and President Bush didn't? Frankly, if Kerry had responded to combat by flinging away his gun and hiding in tears under a tarp on his swift boat, it wouldn't erase the overarching fact that he put himself in harm's way for his country, while Bush hid behind the privilege that was to eventually deposit him, blinking and amazed, into the White House."

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