Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hey! I'm still here
Hello again everyone, its been a rather stressful week for me, so I haven't blogged as much as I would have liked to, but I am here now, so I'll just mention a few things.

Congratulations to John on a fine show last week, I enjoyed it, and I'm sure, if the crowd and the response from your castmates was any indication, this won't be the last time you'll be performing like this at Second City.

I saw Collateral on Saturday. I really enjoyed both Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx's performances, and I love Michael Mann as a director., so I did really enjoy the movie.

Work's been hectic this week, and so I haven't been able to blog there, plus I'm working on my website project for class, which takes some time as well. My internship status is still up in the air, irons currently in the fire have not been struck the way I might have liked.

A lot of the news lately has been looking at the Swift Boat Veteran for Truth ad that is airing in some of the swing states. I don't think the media is doing enough right now, to expose the people behind this. I saw Nightline last night did mention the fact that none of the men who appear in the ad actually served on John Kerry's swiftboat, but served with him the same way Colin Powell and John McCain did, they were in the same war at the same time. There's dirty money behind this. Much of the same money that was behind smearing John McCain n South Carolina in 2000. I know that McCain and Bush campaigned together this week, but you have to know that McCain sees him as a slimeball.

Fun Stuff to think about here, got to love those Vogue Girls

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