Thursday, August 26, 2004

Bitter Pill
I still haven't heard from Chicago Magazine, which means it would seem time to pretty much admit defeat on that one. I am going to call In These Times after work, I have all day free tomorrow, and try to see if they have anything that could be considered an internship. It is going to be a challenge to find the hours I need at TKA, as there are only 11 football Saturdays, though I suppose I could see about working nights when Michigan Basketball or Hockey is going on. I figure 9 to 11 hours a day on Saturdays plus 6-7 on Fridays comes to about 200 hours, meaning I need to come up with another 25 somewhere down the line.

I have a lead on an apartment, however, it is only for one month. I would move in Sunday and then stay til October, though I suppose it might be possible to stay there on a month to month basis. At least I have a good idea where I might live now, rather than having to fret about that and work. This whole week I've felt that, as they say in Rocky Horror: "The Sword of Damocles is hanging over my head." Its the end of my lease, and since I was unable to get an internship in print, which is what I would want to do, I any have to get another internship, post-graduation to improve my job possibilities. Its starting to hit me that in 4 months my education will likely be over, and the real world is beginning. I know my parents are scared, I don't know how I feel.

There isn't a lot else going on, though the NCAA did just announce they were denying Mike Williams' appeal, meaning they have no rejected Williams and Jeremy Bloom's appeals in one week, after saying they were trying to be more "athlete friendly". The NCAA sucks, basically.

I'm looking forward to John's show tomorrow, and the day off. I need a break after this week. I also can't wait to see Laura.

Happy Birthday Mom.

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