Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Ok, here's the thing about what happened last night. I felt like I was hit in the gut, I seriously knew the minute Bryant got the ball that he was going to make the shot. I was surprised that the Pistons couldn't get anything better with more than 2 seconds left on the clock. There are just certain teams I hate, and this Laker team has always been one of them, dating back to when Shaq and Kobe first got there and there seemed to be this sense of entitlement about them. By the way, does anyone who actually calls a game remember that Bryant is potentially going to be on trial for rape, and has admitted adultery? I realize that I'm old fashioned in this regard, but I find adulterers to be one step above rapists and child molesters on the scale of who the worst type's of people are. I realize that there are degrees of adultery, ie, your wife has terminal cancer and is a vegetable is not as bad, as say, Scott Peterson cheating on his pregnant wife, but still its wrong. Its why I rarely have sympathy for those who cheat on their bf/gf and then breakup, they deserved to get caught, they violated a trust. If are a spouse, you made a contract before God, or the state, that this would be the person you would devote your life to. That's a thing not to be trifled with, let alone tossed off like an empty liquor bottle when it suits you.

Sorry, I really don't know where that came from.

Anyone who reads this and is interested in politics/gossip should click on the link I added yesterday for Wonkette. Its a really dishy political gossip site that's fun to read.

Anyone with suggestions for a play can email, and please do, I'm not sure what to write about so any help would be appreciated, just don't do anything silly like this guy.

I just wanted to post some thoughts on who Kerry's Veep choice SHOULD be, since the campaign has been not at the top of the news cycle this week with RWR's passing. I know a lot of people are saying it looks good for Edwards, because Kerry has him going around raising money right now, and I saw in the Sun-Times today that Tom Vilsack, the governor of Iowa is being considered. Both have obvious appeals, Edwards because he's an optimistic character and potentially would look good contrasted with Dick Cheney, and Vilsack because Iowa is an important swing state. Gephardt would bring union votes, but probably not Missouri. Let me argue hard for someone else, however. John Lewis is a congressman from Georgia who worked with the SCLC and Dr. King in the 60's. He's a veteran of the civil rights era who has gone on to serve hi constituents in Congress. Josh Marshall makes a good point about the way the black vote is an automatic for the Democrats. My opinion is, if you look at the people maddest at Bush, you have the intellectual Left, the anti-war people, unions, military families, obvious groups that will turn out heavily in November. I would argue that putting a real hero like Rep. Lewis on the ticket would turn out millions of new voters, including Hispanics to the Democratic side, and that could mean the difference in states like Ohio, Michigan, Nevada, Missouri, Florida or Georgia. Contrasted with the Bush team, Lewis has real accomplishments and has spent a lifetime fighting discrimination and intolerance, just the message the Dems need against the ticket that wants to write discrimination into the Constitution.

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