Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I had other thoughts on some of the things I said before. I do not know that we are doing things so badly, we did after all, win 49% of the vote, but obviously something is missing. Slate suggests that we need to start defining issues in moral terms for people, the economy for example. We won when Bill Clinton said he wanted to reward people who worked hard. The President uses small business as code for this. We sort of did this with outsourcing, but we can do it better.

I read Talking Points as well and Josh had a very good point. The very best thing the conservatives do, and have for two generations, is create a religous fervor using outreach from the alternative media and undermining the rest of it, and then using grass roots organizations, think tanks, and others to get their message out, both in their own and in the normal media. We can't just let the machinery of warfare- Americans Coming Together,, Media Fund, Air America just wither on the vine. We need to start getting behind these things now. We won't be smothered by the conservatives in defeat, we will smother ourselves if not careful, and the machinery we may well need soon will die in its infancy. We must not let that happen. By keeping the machinery we give ourselves a much better chance next time, whoever the candidate is.


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