Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Just a thought
One of the reasons so many red states voted so overwhelmingly against gay marriage, and why the people there fear gays so much, is that voters in those states probably do not know anyone, personally, who is out, and therefore humanizing. One of the ways we might be able to alleviate this problem is for gay college students, along with their straight friends, to cross the country during the summer and talk to people in these states. Now, these people would obvioulsy have to be extremely brave, as they would have to risk potential Matthew Sheppard-like events in some states, but that's why we include straight friends, people who surprised people could turn to and see someone who is accepting of this person's sexuality, whiuch doesn't mean something is wrong with either of them. They could also go into African-American communities, since the stigma is that much greater among blacks.

Ohio State= Dirty like a landfill

Other than Donald and Goofy, are there any original Disney Cartoon characters in the same league with Warner Brothers?

Watch out for the Black Dog.

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