Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The Veep and the Weekend
Sorry about the length between posts. I wasn't able to post last Thursday or Friday because I was frantically trying to finish papers, and I was tired Friday night and just went home after class. My first summer session is now over, and now I have a huge relief on my time related stress. Now I get the stress of looking for an internship, but I have experience with that from DC, which hopefully should pay off. My class this session is downtown, which will allow me to exercise, walking to campus is about 3.5 miles, as well as walk directly from work. It also meets twice a week, but I'm more used to that downtown from my previous sessions, plus the money I'll save on gas will be nice.

Edwards was the best choice. Previously I argued for John Lewis, but I knew this to be a sort of "outside the box" pick that might not fly with the leadership. Edwards helps Kerry in a lot of ways. He is relentlessly optimistic, his smiling face will be a sharp contrast to the dour visage of Cheney in their debate. He gives the campaign a very human story, he's not the son of privilege the top President and Kerry are, and he worked his way up to riches and political success. The Republicans are already coming out saying that Edwards is the second choice, and that he lacks experience. Its true, Kerry initially wanted McCain, but that's like saying that when an hockey GM hires a great coach but was rebuffed by Scotty Bowman, he had to settle. Kerry-McCain would have been an unstoppable ticket, but it was never likely. The Panthers probably called Scotty Bowman when their opening came up, but he wasn't going to take it. That doesn't mean Jacques Martin is someone they wouldn't have otherwise wanted. By the way Bush's father was also "the second choice". Reagan initially offered the Veep slot to Gerald Ford, which would have been unbeatable and brought America's first "Co-Presidency" with Ford basically operating as the nations COO.

Second, Edwards has just as much experience in government, six years, as Bush did when he ran for President 4 years ago. If Republicans make this argument, and it is incredibly transparent, the Democrats should just reply that Edwards has national experience, which Bush did not 4 years ago.

I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 Sunday. I enjoyed it immensely, the mother from Flint and her encounter with the protestor in front of the White House, and the woman who came after both of them, was heartbreaking, as was her whole story. I never got the feeling the Moore was using her, as he did the "Rabbit lady" in Roger and Me, for comic relief, she brings the war home for anyone who doesn't have anyone over there. I'll write more about it tomorrow.

I saw John on Saturday. I was walking home from Spiderman 2, my congratulations to Karen Green on her performance by the way, and I saw him, Andrea and another guy on a stoop and I stopped to talk. He's been real busy, setting up two new stores as well as having the Writing 5 show, Jean's wedding, and other stuff to deal with. It was still good to see him, though. We haven't seen as much of each other this summer as I thought we might, but we both have our own lives, I guess I just didn't realize how busy his would get. Plus I have put him in a lot of awkward situations lately, so I know I might have been not the funnest person to be with.

Anyone know when Ms. Kraly's birthday is?

I hope everyone had a good long weekend, I'll probably be able to post more often now, so hurrah.

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