Friday, July 09, 2004


I frankly don't have much to say today, basically because not much has happened in the last 18 hours. The only thing I find sort of interesting is that people are talking about running Mike Ditka for the Republican senate seat that was vacated by Jack Ryan. My only thought is, "Who wants to watch that train wreck of a debate?" You have Ditka, head foota=ball coach and never the most intellectual guy, facing the former head of the Harvard Law Review and State Senator Barack Obama. Does anyone think Ditka would have anything, and I mean anything remotely interesting to say that would be what he wanted to say, not someone telling him? Does he know anything about any issue? This just might be the answer however for anyone who was hoping for more "Superfans" sketches on SNL or who wanted to know what Senator Ditka would sound like.

My family is still coming down tomorrow. My grandpa Shilander suffered a small stroke earlier this week, but seems to be recovering nicely, he should go home in a couple of weeks, after therapy. He will be 80 later this year. We're putting together and sending out my resumes this weekend, so wish us luck, and wish me luck in cleaning my apartment for when they get there.

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