Friday, July 23, 2004

Goings On...
The Sandy Berger story is completely ridiculous. The chances of actual criminal charges being filed are slim to none, so why exactly are we seeing this covered so hard, especially by conservatives?

Two reasons...1. Sandy Berger is a Clinton guy, and therefore inescapably evil. Even if he did something accidentally, he had to "know" on some level what he was doing. The commission itself has said that nothing of value was taken, that in fact, they had seen the relevant documents already. John Kerry, as a member of the intelligence committee had the security clearances to view the documents himself, so Berger wasn't taking stuff to show him. Conservatives believe there has to be a coverup. He's a messy guy, idiots, people forget things, people are disorganized. His office is probably stacked high with papers and notes, if the Clinton's did something, believe me, we would know by now. 2. The report that came out yesterday may have been though to be more damning than it actually is, and so the Bushies thought they needed political cover.

The Administration is apparently looking for Catholics in Pennsylvania, and presumably elsewhere, to provide them with Parish directories so they know who to target. This is silly. We, speaking for all Catholics, do NOT vote as a bloc, we vote as we want to vote, individually. Most f us are ok with a constitutional right to privacy, meaning a right to choose and the right to get contraception. We believe this at about the same rate as the population as a whole. We are what we are, ourselves, islands. We aren't dictated to by the Pope, and not even by our own Bishops as to how we want to vote. We are more free thinking than that. Mostly.


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