Wednesday, September 28, 2005


So today has been all about the DeLay indictment. Many commentators are questioning the quality of this particular indictment, and perhaps they'll be proven correct. Maybe they won't be, that's the importance of having this in the open. The more important thing, to me, is this palpable sense of corruption of the Republican power class in Washington. When the Republicans took power after the 1994 elections, after literally decades of what they saw as corrupt Democratic control (and point of fact, some of it was, Dan Rostenkowski went to prison because of some of his actions), they talked about having a South African style "Truth Commission" to expose the problems of the rule of one party. Now, it seems, in some sort of great Orwellian irony, that the pigs are now indistinguishable from the people. The Republicans themselves are using the same tricks that Democrats used on them. Except, it only took ten years for that corruption, that huge pork-barrel spending to sink in, rather than 40. There are indictments for Repulican officials and affiliated operatives across the country (including the governor of Ohio). Its funny, but one of the things Democrats are often accused of, fairly often times, is being far softer than Republicans in terms of the way they play the game of politics. Maybe they might be playing a bit too rough.

The pennant races have been the main focus here in New England this week, obviously, but I did want to touch on Michigan for a minute. Obviously, this is not the same team without Mike Hart, and Chad Heene and Steve Breaston have not performed so far this year. What will be important, when Michigan plays State on Saturday, wil be controlling the ball, to keep Stanton off the field. I do think Michigan will end up winning, and even if they don't I still believe they can right the ship, and salvage the season. Still, I would say things will change either during this season, or after it, if only because they may have to.

Back to the pennant race- I find it surprising that so many people seem to be discounting the Angels, and the Angels already clinching the AL West, in the rush to cover the Wild Card, AL East and AL Central. They now, unlike the other teams, have the chance to set their rotation, and, hello, they probably have the best pitching (if you include the bullpen) of anyone in the AL, along with the Indians. The Angels will be in the ALCS, that's my bet. The Indians just lost, but they still have a great shot. The series in Boston this weekend will certainly be something to see, unless the Red Sox can't figure out a way to beat the Jays, who certainly seem to have their number.

I'm heading out to Chicago tomorrow, where I'll be staying the night at John's, then heading home (and Albion). I'll probably try and blog tomorrow some the old 773.

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