Sunday, August 14, 2005

That escalated quickly, I mean that really got out of hand fast.

I wanted to use today to talk about just a few things that have been in the air for the last couple of weeks.
The Native American mascot issue: I have always been of one mind about this. Frankly, the offensiveness of something should be judged the offended party, not the offenders. I believe the outrage over the issue that we've heard, frankly, just comes from white people afraid of having these vestiges of their unfettered dominance over the culture swept away. I understand that in some cases, like the Seminoles or Utes, the schools might have the support of the tribes. If they do, they should probably be allowed to keep those names. But frankly there are teams that need to look at their mascots. Illiniwek, for one, is offensive to many whites (including myself), as well as many Native Americans.

This one is for John, but it’s a question I've been wondering about for a while. Why is it, that with Mad TV being on for more than a decade that we've never seen anyone go from SNL to Mad TV (like a featured player, or well, there's no other way to say it, someone who got fired) or someone going the other direction. It would seem that Mad TV would look for the cache of stealing an SNL person, or that SNL would really benefit from stealing someone like Nicole Sullivan (when she was still on the show, or the guy who played Stewart.) The one guy I think the move would help the most is Frank Caliendo, because it would allow Darrell Hammond to finally leave SNL, and give Caliendo, who is seriously talented, a wider forum. The only difference between the shows seems to be that Mad TV is taped. Would the SNL people really be that nervous about hiring people because of that? I don't know.

Rush Limbaugh has offered to mediate the Donovan McNabb-Terrell Owens situation. Yes, Rush Limbaugh. The guy who got fired because he made remarks saying people wanted McNabb to be successful because he was black. Yes. This seems a good idea.

Ok, I just wanted to post this, from Dr. Dobson's website. Its from a doctor who tries to give families advice on how to prevent their children from being gay: "Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."

Now, for a totally different (and not totally, freaky, crazy weird) piece of information- The Bears just signed Jeff Blake. Blake really seems to have never gotten over losing his job in New Orleans to Aaron Brooks. I don't know how seriously he can compete for the job of starter, nor how effective he would be when he got there. He always had the "Mad Bomber" reputation in Cincinnati, but I don't know if you can take the Bengal out of him, just like it takes time to "de-Clipperize" NBA players.

One more thing. I believe I'm not alone in saying that "American Dad" lacks something compared to "Family Guy". One reason, I think, is that there aren't the fun and random pop-culture references and random occurrences. It's all about how funny Stan is because of his job. His identity is all about his job. Peter Griffin really doesn't seem to work all that often, so his character seems more rounded and not as job-centered. The funniest moment, for me, on "American Dad" is the weird 2 or 3 minute interlude with the two electrical workers who find the golden, jewel-encrusted, you know, fecal matter, in part because it was so totally random.

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