Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Jean and John's Thingie

A - AGE: 23
B - BAND LISTENED TO MOST RECENTLY: Foreigner played the last song I heard on XM this morning, so Foreigner
C- CRUSH: Whoever will give me a job. Ruth Riley
D - DOG's NAME: I would name my dog Diogenes if it was a male and Medea if it was female
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Probaly Laura Jeanine
F - FAVORITE BAND: The Beatles or The Temptations, also Euphonics
G - GUMMY: Worms
H - HOMETOWN: Ann Arbor, A2.
I - INSTRUMENT: I guess my voice, I don't play instruments well.
J - JUICE: Apple, Orange or Pomegranate
K - KIDS: I would hope for two of the same gender. That way, I could name one for my family (for a girl Ruth Janet, for a boy James Willard) and the second could be the fun name (Clytemenestra for the girl and Prometheus for the boy, maybe)
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Devil's Tower, Cape Breton.
M - MOM'S NAME: Paula Susan Graham
O - ONE WISH: A job would be fabulous
P - PHOBIA(S): Being buried alive, heights
Q - QUOTE: by me: "This is a fine shower curtain" by another: "If you're out on your bike tonight,as always, do wear white" Tony Kornheiser
R - REASON TO SMILE: I have an interview next week, and 3 days.
S - SEXIEST FEATURE: Chest Hair (hopefully)
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: Usually just before 8
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I once got into an argument with my great-grandmother about a Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlet that had been left at our house on my 6th birthday
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Onions, the greatest plague to ever hit mankind
W - WORST HABIT(S): Taking criticism much too personally
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, head and neck, shoulder, arm
Y - YUCKY FOOD: French Onion soup, see "V"

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