Saturday, July 16, 2005


Last night, Adam and Shannon invited me to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night in Meredith. I have yo say, I disagree with something a lot of critics have been saying. Most have been saying that Johnny Depp played Wonka like Michael Jackson, or at least, as some sort of pedophile. If anything, I felt like he hated children, really, which seems very similar to a lot of characters who work in professions involving children in movies. I enjoyed it a lot, I really did, because it was so totally different from the musical version. The use of Deep Roy to play all of the Oompa Loompas, and then the inventive songs he (they?) sang, and then the amazingly colorful set work, it realy was a joy to watch. I usually don't enjoy remakes, but this was more of a reimagining of the book, not the first movie, so it worked for me.

I wanted to add something to my post from Monday. As I go for my nightly walks and I think about thing, one thought keeps creeping into my head: "Wow, I can't believe I'm here." To be quite frank, at this time last year I was still to wrapped up in myself to see straight. My focus was on finding an internship, getting thru classes, trying to find a way to spend the least amount I could on the CTA during the week. A few months later, it was working on my project and trying to work through the two very different jobs at Chicago magazine and TKA. I never thought I'd be someplace like this. Oh, I recognized the possibility that I'd be somewhere new of course, but I think the reality never quite set in. Now, of course it has. That's the funny thing about life, as John Lennon correctly observed in "Beautiful Boy", its "what happens when you're too busy making other plans."

I'll post my stories from the last couple weeks on Monday, and I'll post about more stuff tomorrow, just needed to get a few things off my mind tonight.

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