Friday, December 16, 2005

Let it snow, again, damn it

The last few weeks, and really, the last two Fridays, have been like a second introduction two New England. Today, and last Friday, well, I woke up and everything was white, and I don't mean just the people. Last week, we got about a foot of snow, and I had to dig my car out, twice- once getting it out of my space, the second, technically to dig myself a spot on the other side, which I suppose is technically digging myself in. Last week, though, it was just a lot of snow, this week, it was snow mixed with sleet, so while I cleaned my car of snow at several points during the day, all that resulted was me having to clear off ice from each of my windows later in the day, which really became weird when you consider I was really only doing that in order to move my car so the driveway could be plowed, ah the circular nature of life.

The other thing about last weekend, well, I locked myself out of my own apartment last Saturday. I was planning on heading to the gym, and had my water bottle and shoes with me, when I realized that my keys were still in the house. Unfortunately, I had also locked the door, and my second set of keys and my cell phone were in the apartment. Now this happened at two. My landlords weren't in, so I did what anyone would do. I went to the gym (realize, I'm wearing shorts, I was going to the gym and its been insanely cold here, I've left several meetings the last few weeks with negative temps on the car's thermometer), and so when I finished working out, I walked back, hoping the Eaton's had come back. Well, they hadn't. So I went to see if I could use someone's phone, and went to a small bookstore. Well, they let me call the locksmith, who wasn't in. Then I tried again, a couple of hours later, still nothing. I ended up staying at the bookstore for about four and a half hours waiting to see if the locksmith would call. Luckily I ended up staying at my friend Sarah's for the night, then calling the locksmith in the morning. Well, I connected, and it took him all of about three seconds to open the door. So, all in all, I felt like an ass.

I'll catch up on some sports and news stuff over the course, of the week, just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive.